"We give thanks for all members of the Body Guard living and departed.
Give ear, O God, to the prayers of thy people, that our service may take
such good effect as thou may be glorified, thy Church, our Sovereign,
and country preserved, and every enemy of the truth so utterly vanquished
that we may have continual peace, through Jesus Chris our Lord." Amen
Troop Sergeant Major
7th Hussars
Born 1838
Enlisted 1855 (9 Nov)
Aged 17
Served 21y 6m
Discharged 1877 (1 May)
From 7th Hussars
Joined Body Guard 1887 (21 Feb)
Served 17 years
Died 1904 (24 Dec) in service
Aged 66
(231st to join)
Colour Sergeant
King's Royal Rifles
Born 1863
Enlisted 1892 (22 Jun)
Aged 29
Served 21y
Discharged 1913 (26 Jun)
From King's Royal Rifles
Joined Body Guard 1922 (7 Jul)
Served 7 years
Died 1929 (12 Jul) in service
Aged 52
(400th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Squadron Corporal Major
Royal Horse Guards
Born 1869 (5 Jun)
Enlisted 1889 (8 Oct)
Aged 20
Served 21y 123days
Discharged 1911 (8 Feb)
From Royal Horse Guards
Joined Body Guard 1919 (24 Apr)
Served 30
Died 1955 (17 Mar)
Aged 85
(371st to join)
Sergeant Major
Royal Horse Artillery
Born 1782
Enlisted 1801 (Apr)
Aged 19
Served 42y 3m
Discharged 1843 (11 Jul)
From Royal Horse Artillery
Joined Body Guard 1846
Served 7 years
Died 1853 (18 Aug) in service
Aged 71
(37th to join)
Awarded: DCM
Colour Sergeant
43rd Regiment
Born 1792
Enlisted 1811 (Apr)
Aged 19
Served 30y 2m
Discharged 1841 (30 Jun)
From 43rd Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1849
Served 9 years
Died 1858 (10 Jan) in service
Aged 66
(44th to join)
Corporal Major
Monmouth Imperial Yeomanry
Born 1856
Enlisted 1876 (18 Feb)
Aged 20
Served 26y 224days
Discharged 1902 (30 Sep)
From The Life Guards
Joined Body Guard 1904 (25 Dec)
Served 28 years
Died 1932 (9 Mar) in service
Aged 76
(325th to join)
Awarded: MM RVM
Regimental Sergeant Major
Welsh Guards
Born 1912 (12 Sep)
Enlisted 1932 (25 Jan)
Aged 20
Served 25y 7m
Discharged 1958 (30 Aug)
From Welsh Guards
Joined Body Guard 1961 (28 Jan)
Served 21 years
Died 1992 (14 Jan)
Aged 80
(520th to join)
Sergeant Major
29th Regiment
Born 1836
Enlisted 1853 (Jan)
Aged 17
Served 19y 10m
Discharged 1872 (13 Nov)
From 29th Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1884 (29 Nov)
Served 26 years
1910 (24 Dec) in service
Aged 74
(218th to join)
Colour Sergeant
60th Rifles
Born 1832
Enlisted 1850 (Jun)
Aged 18
Served 20y
Discharged 1870 (24 May)
From 60th Rifles
Joined Body Guard 1882 (17 May)
Served 22 years
Died 1904 (13 Nov) in service
Aged 72
(208th to join)
Awarded: DCM MiD RVM
Company Sergeant Major
Grenadier Guards
Born 1875
Enlisted 1895 (3 Oct)
Aged 20
Served 23y 17days
Discharged 1917 (29 Oct)
From Grenadier Guards
Joined Body Guard 1920 (26 Feb)
Served 3 years
Died 1923 (4 Mar) in service
Aged 48
(386th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Regimental Sergeant Major
Welsh Guards
Born 1928 (30 Dec)
Enlisted 1949 (10 Feb)
Aged 21
Served 34y
Discharged 1983 (19 Oct)
From Welsh Guards
Joined Body Guard 1983 (19 Oct)
Served 15 years
2009 (22 May)
Aged 81
(603rd to join)
Awarded: DCM BEM MSM
Regimental Sergeant Major
Coldstream Guards
Born 1895 (12 Sep)
Enlisted 1913 (4 Jun)
Aged 18
Served 21y 3m
Discharged 1934 (8 Sep)
From Royal Berkshire Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1937 (13 Jan)
Served 24 years
Died 1961 (20 Jan) in service
Aged 65
(460th to join)
Quartermaster Sergeant
Royal Marines
Born 1906 (10 Sep)
Enlisted 1929 (1 Jul)
Aged 23
Served 21y
Discharged 1950 (30 Jun)
From Royal Marines
Joined Body Guard 1953 (9 Apr)
Served 7 years
Died 1960 (7 Sep) in service
Aged 53
(491st to join)
Sergeasnt Major
Royal Artillery
Born 1838
Enlisted 1851 (23 Dec)
Aged 13
Served 26y 10m
Discharged 1878 (31 Dec)
From Royal Artillery
Joined Body Guard 1889
Served 14 years
Died 1903 (27 Mar) in service
Aged 65
(237th to join)
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The King's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard
The Guardroom