"We give thanks for all members of the Body Guard living and departed.
Give ear, O God, to the prayers of thy people, that our service may take
such good effect as thou may be glorified, thy Church, our Sovereign,
and country preserved, and every enemy of the truth so utterly vanquished
that we may have continual peace, through Jesus Chris our Lord." Amen
Awarded: MSM
Staff Sergeant
Indian Ordnance Dept
Born 1877 (5 Jun)
Enlisted 1891 (27 Aug)
Aged 14
Served 28y 8m
Discharged 1920 (5 May)
From Indian Ordnance Dept
Joined Body Guard 1920 (7 May)
Served 33 years
Died 1954 (8 Nov)
Aged 77
(388th to join)
Awarded DCM
Battery Sergeant Major
Royal Horse Artillery
Born 1835
Enlisted 1852 (Jan)
Aged 17
Served 22y 3m
Discharged 1875 (10 Apr)
From Royal Horse Artillery
Joined Body Guard 1876
Served 16 years
Died 1892 (23 May) in service
Aged 57
(178th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Master Gunner
Royal Artillery
Born 1833
Enlisted 1850 (27 May)
Aged 17
Served 22y 6m
Discharged 1872 (7 Dec)
From Royal Artillery
Joined Body Guard 1882 (20 Apr)
Served 30 years
Died 1912 (15 Nov) in service
Aged 79
(207th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Quartermaster Corporal Major
The Life Guards
Born 1859
Enlisted 1879 (25 Sep)
Aged 20
Served 22y 13days
Discharged 1901 (7 Oct)
From The Life Guards
Joined Body Guard 1908 (18 Jun)
Served 24 years
Died 1932 (23 Apr) in service
Aged 73
(345th to join)
Company Sergeant Major
Royal Engineers
Born 1842
Enlisted 1864 (1 Jul)
Aged 22
Served 21y 90days
Discharged 1885 (27 Sep)
From Royal Engineers
Joined Body Guard 1890 (14 Jul)
Served 15
Died 1905 (18 Dec) in service
Aged 63
(249th to join)
Colour Sergeant
Rifle Brigade
Born 1818
1835 (1 Nov)
Aged 17
Served 21y 262days
Discharged 1857 (4 Aug)
From 6th Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1860 (Jan)
Served 38 years
Died 1898 (10 May) in service
Aged 80
(113rd to join)
Troop Sergeant Major
9th Lancers
Born 1820
Discharged 1841 (Jan)
Aged 21
Served 24y 69days
Discharged 1865 (4 Apr)
From 9th Lancers
Joined Body Guard 1866
Served 26
Died 1892 (23 May) in service
Aged 72
(137th to join)
Regimental Sergeant Major
Irish Guards
Born 1911 (23 Feb)
Enlisted 1927 (4 Jan)
Aged 16
Served 23y 213days
Discharged 1950 (10 Aug)
From Irish Guards
Joined Body Guard 1951 (17 Apr)
Served 20 years
Died 1971 (10 Feb) in service
Aged 59
(486th to join)
Troop Sergeant Major
3rd Light Dragoons
Born 1790
Enlisted 1807 (Feb)
Aged 17
Served 30y 105days
Discharged 1837 (29 Jun)
From 3rd Light Dragoons
Joined Body Guard 1851
Served 9 years
Died 1860 (30 Mar) in service
Aged 70
(54th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Sergeant Major
5th Regiment
Born 1831
Enlisted 1848 (15 Jan)
Aged 17
Served 21y 313days
Discharged 1870 (22 Feb)
From 5th Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1881 (15 Jan)
Served 20 years
Died 1901 (25 Sep) in service
Aged 70
(201st to join)
Master Gunner
Royal Artillery
Born 1840
Enlisted 1858 (4 Feb)
Aged 18
Served 21y
Discharged 1879 (22 Sep)
From Royal Artillery
Joined Body Guard 1890 (4 Feb)
Served 7 months
Died 1890 (22 Sep) in service
Aged 50
(245th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Battery Sergeant Major
Royal Artillery (Mountain)
Born 1887 (23 Oct)
Enlisted 1905 (6 Apr)
Aged 18
Served 22y
Discharged 1927 (6 Apr)
From Royal Artillery (Mountain)
Joined Bdy Guard 1928 (2 Nov)
Served 30 years
Died 1973 (11 Oct)
Aged 86
(432nd to join)
Warrant Office II
Welsh Guards
Born 1954 (14 Nov)
Enlisted 1972 (20 Sep)
Aged 18
Served 22y 9days
Discharged 1994 (13 Nov)
From Welsh Guards
Joined Body Guard 1997 (13 Jan)
Served 23
Died 2020 (25 Nov) in service
Aged 66
(649th to join)
Royal Artillery
Born 1821
Enlisted 1838 (Oct)
Aged 17
Served 21y
Discharged 1859 (18 Oct)
From Royal Artillery
Joined Body Guard 1859
Served 5 years
Died 1864 (10 Feb) in service
Aged 43
(106th to join)
Awarded: DCM MSM RVM
Regimental Sergeant Major
Royal Dragoons
Born 1879
Enlisted 1900 (12 Sep)
Aged 21
Served 21y
Discharged 1921 (12 Sep)
From Royal Dragoons
Joined Body Guard 1922 (7 Jul)
Served 39 years
Died 1971 (8 Jan)
Aged 93
(398th to join)
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The King's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard
The Guardroom