"We give thanks for all members of the Body Guard living and departed.
Give ear, O God, to the prayers of thy people, that our service may take
such good effect as thou may be glorified, thy Church, our Sovereign,
and country preserved, and every enemy of the truth so utterly vanquished
that we may have continual peace, through Jesus Chris our Lord." Amen
Company Sergeant Major
Coldstream Guards
Born 1924 (23 Aug)
Enlisted 1942 (20 Nov)
Aged 18
Served 23y
Discharged 1965 (20 Nov)
From Coldstream Guards
Joined Body Guard 1973 (20 Feb)
Servedc19 years
Died 1992 (25 Mar) in service
Aged 68
(559th to join)
Colour Sergeant
Grenadier Guards
Born 1814
Enlisted 1835 (Oct)
Aged 21
Served 21y 5m
Discharged 1857 (17 Mar)
From Grenadier Guards
Joined Body Guard 1857
Served 19 years
Died 1876 (3 Apr) in service
Aged 62
(93rd to join)
Awarded: MBE
Warrant Officer I
Blues & Royals
Born 1947 (24 Apr)
Enlisted 1965 (24 Apr)
Aged 18
Served 28y
Discharged 1993 (10 Nov)
From Blues & Royals
Joined Body Guard 2002 (2 Jan)
Served 9 years
Died 2011 (7 Jan) in service
Aged 63
(674th to join)
17th Lancers
Born 1815
Enlisted 1836 (Sep)
Aged 21
Served 18y 10m
Discharged 1855 (17 Jul)
From 17th Lancers
Joined Body Guard 1855
Served 29 years
Died 1886 (1 Jan)
Aged 70
(87th to join)
Awarded: MC MiD MSM RVM
Sergeant Major 1st Class Instructor
Scots Guards (18yrs)
Born 1882 (17 Mar)
Enlisted 1901 (24 Jul)
Aged 19
Served 21y
Discharged 1922 (24 Jul)
From Royal Air Force (3yrs)
Joined Body Guard 1924 (26 Mar)
Served 38 years
Died 1972 (6 Oct)
Aged 90
(415th to join)
Sergeant Major
38th Regiment
Born 1824
Enlisted 1841 (Sep)
Aged 17
Served 24y 267days
Discharged 1866 (5 Jun)
From 38th Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1868
Served 16 years
Died 1896 (8 Mar)
Aged 72
(146th to join)
Awarded: MiD
Company Sergeant Major
Grenadier Guards
Born 1883 (11 Aug)
Enlisted 1897 (9 Sep)
Aged 14
Served 24y 11m
Discharged 1922 (8 Aug)
From Royal Signals
Joined Body Guard 1924 (28 Mar)
Served 17 years
Died 1941 (29 Mar) in service
Aged 57
(416th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Squadron Sergeant Major
9th Lancers
Born 1855
Enlisted 1873 (2 Sep)
Aged 18
Served 21y
Discharged 1894 (4 Sep)
From 9th Lancers
Joined Body Guard 1905 (29 May)
Served 29 years
Died 1934 (10 Oct) in service
Aged 79
(328th to join)
Awarded: MSM MiD
Regimental Corporal Major
The Life Guards
Born 1859
Enlisted 1877 (4 Dec)
Aged 18
Served 29y
Discharged 1906 (3 Dec)
From The Life Guards
Joined Body Guard 1907 (15 Oct)
Served 27 years
Died 1934 (6 Apr) in service
Aged 75
(341st to join)
Sergeant Major
Royal Fusiliers
Born 1843 (5 Aug)
Enlisted 1854 (18 Aug)
Aged 11
Served 35y 135days
Discharged 1889 (21 Dec)
From Royal Fusiliers
Joined Body Guard 1889 (12 Oct)
Served 21 years
Died 1917 (22 Dec)
Aged 74
(242nd to join)
Troop Sergeant Major
6th Dragoons
Born 1820
Enlisted 1840 (Apr)
Aged 20
Served 15y 9m
Discharged 1855 (27 Apr)
From 6th Dragoons
Joined Body Guard 1855
Served 40
Died 1899 (7 May)
Aged 79
(88th to join)
Quartermaster Sergeant
Royal Sappers & Miners
Born 1802
Enlisted 1822 (Jul)
Aged 20
Served 27y 6m
Discharged 1850 (8 Jan)
From Royal Sappers & Miners
Joined Body Guard 1849
Served 15 years
Dies 1864 (1 Jan) in service
Aged 62
(48th to join)
Awarded: DCM (bar) MC
Company Sergeant Major
Coldstream Guards
Born 1883
Enlisted 1901 (21 Jan)
Aged 18
Served 21y
Discharged 1922 (5 Jan)
From Coldstream Guards
Joined Body Guard 1926 (19 Feb)
Served 17
Died 1933 (27 Jan) in service
Aged 50
(424th to join)
Quartermaster Sergeant
Scots Fusilier Guards
Born 1800
Enlisted 1815 (May)
Aged 15
Served 22y 31days
Discharged 1837 (14 Jun)
From Scots Fusilier Guards
Joined Body Guard 1837
Served 32 years
Died 1869 (3 Jul) in service
Aged 69
(10th to join)
Colour Sergeant
70th Regiment
Born 1812
Enlisted 1829 (Dec)
Aged 17
Served 21y 273days
Discharged 1851 (10 Sep)
From 70th Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1851
Served 39 years
Died 1890 (13 Jul) in service
Aged 78
(73rd to join)
Farrier Quartermaster Corporal
Royal Horse Guards
Born 1856
Enlisted 1877 (3 Jul)
Aged 21
Served 21y 8days
Discharged 1898 (14 Jul)
From Royal Horse Guards
Joined Body Guard 1906 (10 Apr
Served 15 years
Died 1921 (19 Feb) in service
Aged 65
(334th to join)
Colour Sergaent
Royal Irish Fusiliers
Born 1870
Enlisted 1889 (1 Jan)
Aged 19
Served 22y 7days
Discharged 1911 (8 Jan)
From Royal Irish Fusiliers
Joined Body Guard 1919 (7 May)
Served 12 years
Died 1931 (2 Feb) in service
Aged 61
(378th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Regimental Sergeant Major
Highland Light Infantry
Born 1882 (3 Nov)
Enlisted 1900 (11 Oct)
Aged 18
Served 21y 294days
Discharged 1922 (31 Jul)
From Highland Light Infantry
Joined 1924 (28 Mar)
Served 19 years
Died 1959 (23 Nov)
Aged 77
(417th to join)
Regimental Sergeant Major
Rifle Brigade
Born 1902 (5 May)
Enlisted 1919 (18 Mar)
Aged 17
Served 28y 70days
Discharged 1947 (27 May)
From Rifle Brigade
Joined Body Guard 1950 (18 May)
Served 11 years
Died 1975 (24 Nov)
Aged 73
(482nd to join)
Awarded: DCM
Sergeant Major
11th Hussars
Born 1817 (27 Mar)
Enlisted 1833 (Apr)
Aged 16
Served 26y
Discharged 1859 (12 Apr)
From 11th Hussars
Joined Body Guard 1859
Served 29 years
Died 1888 (16 Oct) in service
Aged 71
(109th to join)
Squadron Sergeant Major
6th Dragoons
Born 1851
Enlisted 1868 (1 Dec)
Aged 17
Served 28y 121days
Discharged 1897 (31 Mar)
From 6th Dragoons
Joined Body Guard 1900 (27 May)
Served 10 years
Died 1910 (8 Apr) in service
Aged 59
(301st to join)
Colour Sergeant
Royal Fusiliers
Born 1804
Enlisted 1820 (Dec)
Aged 16
Served 24y 7m
Discharged 1845 (10 Jun)
From Royal Fusiliers
Joined Body Guard 1845
Served 37 years
Died 1882 (22 Feb) in service
Aged 78
(32nd to join)
Awarded: MiD
Colour Sergeant
Scots Guards
Born 1853
Enlisted 1872 (23 Apr)
Aged 19
Served 31y 8days
Discharged 1903 (1 May)
From Scots Guards
Joined Body Guard 1903 (28 Mar)
Served 14 years
Died 1917 (26 Apr) in service
Aged 64
(317th to join)
Sergeant Major
Coldstream Guards
Born 1860 (May)
Enlisted 1876 (11 Aug)
Aged 16
Served 30y 208days
Discharged 1907 (7 Mar)
From Coldstream Guards
Joined Body Guard 1908 (24 Apr)
Served 13 years
Died 1921 (14 Sep) in service
Aged 61
(344th to join)
Awarded: VC
Regimental Sergeant Major
9th Lancers
Born 1818
Enlisted 1838 (Jun)
Aged 20
Served 24y 150days
Discharged 1862 (28 Oct)
From 9th Lancers
Joined Body Guard 1862
Served 15 years
Died 1877 (17 Apr) in service
Aged 59
(125th to join)
Awarded: DCM MSM
Hospital Corporal Major
7th Fusiliers
Born 1832
Enlisted 1847 (29 Dec)
Aged 15
Served 23y 9m
Discharged 1874 (29 Sep)
From Royal Horse Guards
Joined Body Guard 1882 (20 Jun)
Served 16 years
Died 1898 (8 Dec) in service
Aged 66
(210th to join)
Quartermaster Corporal Major
108th Regiment of Foot
Born 1851 (26 Sep)
Enlisted 1867 (23 Dec)
Aged 16
Served 25y 93days
Discharged 1895 (14 Nov)
From The Life Guards
Joined Body Guard 1899 (2 Dec)
Served 4 years
Died 1903 (2 Dec) in service
Aged 52
(294th to join)
57th Regiment
Born 1843
Enlisted 1860 (6 Dec)
Aged 17
Served 21y 1day
Discharged 1881 (6 Dec)
From 57th Regiment
Joined Body Guard 1891 (2 Jul)
Served 10 years
Died 1901 (8 Apr) in service
Aged 58
(253rd to join)
Awarded: MSM
Regimental Sergeant Major
8th Hussars
Born 1857
Enlisted 1874 (7 Apr)
Aged 17
Served 31y 40days
Discharged 1905 (16 May)
From 8th Hussars
Joined Body Guard 1905 (30 Sep)
Served 30 years
Died 1935 (10 Mar) in service
Aged 78
(329th to join)
Awarded: RVM
Regimental Sergeant Major
Grenadier Guards
Born 1932 (15 Nov)
Enlisted1951 (15 Feb)
Aged 19
Served 22y
Discharged 1973 (10 Jul)
From Grenadier Guards
Joined Body Guard 1982 (15 Apr)
Served 20 years
Died 2019 (16 Apr)
Aged 87
(589th to join)
Awarded: DCM
Company Sergeant Major
The Buffs
Born 1913 (23 Oct)
Enlisted 1932 (19 Aug)
Aged 19
Served 22y
Discharged 1954 (8 Oct)
From The Buffs
Joined Body Guard 1958 (3 May)
Served 20 years
Died 1978 (4 Oct) in service
Aged 65
(506th to join)
Seaforth Highlands
Born 1891
Enlisted 1906 (31 Dec)
Aged 15
Served 24y
Discharged 1930 (31 Dec)
From Seaforth Highlands
Joined Body Guard 1939 (25 Feb)
Served 6 years (Dismissed in 1945)
1948 (11 Dec)
Aged 57
(469th to join)
Awarded: MSM
12th Royal Lancers
Born 1853 (21 Jan)
Enlisted 1869 (4 Nov)
Aged 16
Served 22y 58days
Discharged 1892 (1 Jan)
From 12th Royal Lancers
Joined Body Guard 1901 (3 Oct)
Served 22 years
Died 1923 (9 Sep) in service
Aged 70
(309th to join)
Squadron Quartermaster Corporal
Blues & Royals
Born 1942 (7 Jun)
Enlisted 1960 (7 Jan)
Aged 18
Served 22y
Discharged 1982 (7 Jun)
From Blues & Royals
Joined Body Guard 1987 (25 Sep)
Served 9 years
Died 1996 (11 Nov)in service
Aged 54
(620th to join)
Awarded: MSM
Battery Sergeant Major
Royal Garrison Artillery
Born 1879 (12 Jun)
Enlisted 1897 (6 Feb)
Aged 18
Served 22y 96days
Discharged 1919 (10 May)
From Royal Garrison Artillery
Joined Body Guard 1924 (8 Jan)
Served 30 years
Died 1963 (27 Aug)
Aged 84
(413rd to join)
Royal Fusiliers
Born 1836
Enlisted 1842 (Mar)
Aged 16
Served 21y 4m
Discharged 1863 (21 Jul)
From Royal Fusiliers
Joined Body Guard 1866
Served 7 years
Died 1873 (20 Feb) in service
Aged 47
(139th to join)
Warded: MBE MiD MSM
Regimental Sergeant Major
Royal Horse Artillery
Born 1878
Enlisted 1896 (24 Jan)
Aged 18
Served 24y 270days
Discharged 1917 (23 Jan)
From Royal Horse Art / Vet Corps
Joined Body Guard 1927 (20 May)
Served 25 years
Died 1852 (22 May) in service
Aged 74
(431st to join)
Quartermaster Sergeant
Rifle Brigade
Born 1809
Enlisted 1824 (Jul)
Aged 15
Served 24y 5m
Discharged 1848 (12 Dec)
From Rifle Brigade
Joined Body Guard 1857
Served 14 years
Died 1871 (21 Apr) in service
Aged 62
(95th to join)
Ordnance Store Corps
Born 1842
Enlisted 1863 (17 Jun)
Aged 21
Served 21y 14days
Discharged 1884 (20 Jun)
From Ordnance Store Corps
Joined Body Guard 1891 (12 Oct)
Served 22 years
Died 1915 (8 Nov)
Aged 73
(254th to join)
Quartermaster Sergeant
Royal Scots
Born 1841
Enlisted 1856 (22 Apr)
Aged 15
Served 21y 3m
Discharged 1880 (27 Jul)
From Royal Scots
Joined Body Guard 1890 (23 Sep)
Served 10 years
Died 1900 (13 Jun) in service
Aged 56
(251st to join)
Copyright © 2025
The King's Body Guard of the Yeomen of the Guard
The Guardroom